about the past as regards these emotional escapades while on the sofa, she
wondered what could possibly happen next.
Her thoughts go on a further journey, entertaining other conjectures. It was scary to look at, up close, or at any
distance. Her future. It was not bright. For she realized that she had been
impregnated with something that she wished to abort; she did not want to give
birth to it.
~There goes that damned talking again!~
Blatant suggestions to enter into a
lesbian liaison (tryst) pops into her head, strong as the devil. Familiar spirits, evil, all clamoring for
attention, wanting desperately to initiate their ideas. What is Satan’s overall design going to
be? What kind of lesbian would be well
suited to this newest prey? Is there a
kind? Apparently, there is (this is made
evident before science was used as a prop) They deduce while she sits there ‘numbified.’ Bull-dozing
their sordid antics as though she is not there.
A-ma-zing. Amazing, in this sense, she could literally
hear the conversations of demonic council as pertains her future. Those demons were so excited to find a host
to funnel their traits through that they could hardly be contained. Satan’s very specific design of perversion
was so tailored to fit that the very air fumed with its delirium. The things that he is suggesting do not come
naturally. His well thought out scheme
would definitely have to be adapted or familiarized (hence, familiar spirits).
No wonder “the angels rejoice in heaven
over one soul,” whoever it may be, that is brought back to Christ. This festive effect seems to take place on
both sides of the isle, excepting that demons would rather rejoice whenever
someone does something iniquitous.
the very hairs of your head are all numbered…you are of more value than many
sparrows,” so says Matthew 10:30, 31. This lets us know that we humans are of
much value to God. And so-far-as holy angels, as well as fallen ones, having a vested interest to this level in our
lives says a lot! Competition is fierce to win
over the souls of mankind!
Let’s not forget that the rest of the
world is yet thriving while being detained, immersed under this spell, in her
apartment. Hell spun by the hell-bent
throws of an adversary. Forced into
living as a captive. Hermitlike. Nearly crazed. No voice. No veto.
No choice.
Get ready for this clownish display, a
devil’s delight, of just the sort of performance Satan expected during this
dress rehearsal—a show to put on (put up with) as if on stage for his
entertainment: His creation must dress
the part (that is to say, of a man). Dress
up (disguises) in men’s clothing. Hair is
to be worn in a certain cut, short-styled as a man would style his (crew
cut). This woman would be endowed with
overt, masculine ways, strutting as a man does (i.e. cock). Excuse the expression. I am
trying to make a vital point here. It’s just that his rude expectations for her
to become ‘butch’ in every possible way, with every wit of his intent leaning toward
emulating that of a man (minus the sex change) was beyond rude. Absolutely appalling. Shocking.
After scornfully laughing out loud at
hearing his utterly ridiculous aspirations, she intuitively debated this idea
with Satan. She tried to argue the point
that this was too abstract, besides being ‘ridic’ (shorthand for ridiculous). Here she was, a petite-framed female at five
feet four inches tall and maybe a hundred pounds. And this is his best offer. The mantle he chose for her to wear. Evil
amusement for this dark horse. Opposing anything
sound. This did not make any sense; and
the nonsense added to support it is called ‘science.’
~What a joke! ~
This contrary notion was kind of like
when he called Jesus, Beelzebub. It is
so opposite of any truth that it becomes offensive (absurd). Yet, this was his scheme. He required the cloud of shame to be substantial
enough to the point of complete abhorrence of self for allowing it to
happen. For bowing to Baal. He had to know that she would make a most
pathetic version of a ‘man.’ And that
is precisely how he wanted it!
went on, suggesting the means to accomplish (coach) this type of behavior. Or the avenue that was to be used to feed
(encroach upon) her senses, at least, until the right amount of time had passed
before reaching an inordinate level of comfort to seek this on her own.
~Well, well… Media~
Media of every sort. Television, magazines, video, pornography,
internet. A world wide web of nets and
traps and pitfalls. Temptations of every
sort, through the eyes, through the ears, and all the rest. These are what he makes use of as his
resources to entice, seduce, and persuade.
To watch a simple television program became impossible to sit through. Uncouth with his suggestions, often
interjecting statements openly, such as,
okay to look at her because she can’t see you.”
ahead, look.”
“No, really look.”
He shows you pictures, scenes that you
are not even thinking about, corruptive things not even on your level. Obscene images. These types of media would allow for outright
lewdness without suffering the penalty of it being offensive to the same
sex. Without suffering ostracism. No need to fear being demonized. You get the picture? Of course you do. Satan was trying to school her, prepare her
for what was to come next. His plan was
foolproof and strategic.
a bird’s eye view, it is clearly discernible where and how Satan strikes. He
proudly plants his tares to grow alongside the good seed that our Father has
planted within an individual’s heart, mostly when we are at our most vulnerable
state, which is at some stage in conception.
We all have become the object of Satan’s obsessive predatoriness all
because God, the Creator, made us the “apple of His eye.”
Satan, on the other hand, once a much
cherished thing of beauty, never exactly held that spot. Only man has been privileged to be made in
God’s image. There is no higher
compliment. This is the reason He always
stressed for mankind never to make any images of Himself, because we are already
made in His image (via Adam). Living,
breathing beings.
It’s no wonder that Satan did everything
possible to contaminate the very dirt that our Creator used to make us. Any expert of science can easily expound on
how the components of dirt contains all there is in the earth—minerals, metals,
and other building-blocks vital to the body.
It’s in the dirt! Murders, death,
kill, pride, jealousy, envy, strife, adultery, fornication, perversion, incest,
fear, torment, and, yes, homosexuality.
All of Satan’s devices right there in the contaminate dirt!
Was God laughing at this calamitous
event? She felt as if this was the
case. Proverbs 1:26, “I also will laugh
at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes.” Is this the life of a prodigal? A life out of control. Spindling.
Holding on to a thin thread of sanity. Alone. Like a lost child who is not yet aware that
they are lost. Really lost.
Sadly, progressive pursuits against the
mind did not take place only on the home front—the workplace is another area
where her thoughts were completely under siege.
It’s another day at the office where she
works. (She’s off the couch now).
Employed at a downtown legal firm, situated in a high-rise office
building, for the last three years. It
actually is in one of the city’s oldest landmark churches, in the vicinity of
Daley Plaza, city hall, and the Secretary of State building. Over ten floors of
office space readily available for businesses. The higher you go, the better
the view.
The main corridor is outfitted with a
non-denominational cathedral. A chapel situated
off to the right side as you enter through the revolving doors of the building,
available to the public, as well as the office workers of that building. All faiths are welcome to visit, pray, and
worship freely. 77 West Washington in
Chicago, Illinois, if memory serves aright, is where this iconic church’s bell
chimed over downtown. Ironically, it was
the perfect headquarters for Satan to operate.
This is the place of continuum for her. She simply cannot vacate the premises of her
mind on any level. The veil of sanity is
ever thinning. A state of mind in
utter contempt for this other ‘truth’.
An unstoppable union.
~Head is ringing…cannot
hold on much longer!~
Dragging in to work on this day, her
attendance would prove itself an especial event. Today she had a visitor. There were the usual sound bites of
conversation going on inside her head.
What came next was unexpected though, for the enemy of her soul had come
in person (reminiscent of when she was about fifteen years old). Except this time Satan did not send his
imp. It was the “father of lies”
himself, if you can believe it. This
occasion must have been of high priority for his appearance to be of such
formal stance and pomp.
Wall to wall windows allotted the perfect
lighting necessary to amass an unforgettable description of this lying
adversary: He displayed himself in a
suit of clothing that resembled the caricature of Uncle
the top hat and matching top coat (stripes and all). His height projected to about seven or eight
or nine feet tall—taller than any average man. It looked to be that way from
her seated position (He carried himself that-a-way). But an even more noticeable element is the
fact that he did not actually fit into the Uncle Sam suit. Satan was wearing the suit in the same manner
as the ‘Earthworm Jim’ cartoon character (you may have to Google this). He was in the suit, but he did not fit the
suit! And when this stunned young woman
dared to look into his face, into his eyes, what she saw of his person could
actually fit directly under her foot.
His entire physical being, such as it was, was the size of one’s
head. A human head. It was as if he had the head but he did not
have the body. He needed a
surrogate. And not only was this the
case, it was also like looking into a ‘black hole’ or abyss in three
dimensional form. Remember the tar
droppings, after the big BP oil spill fiasco of our century (21st),
when workers were scraping it off of the beaches along our southern U. S.
coasts? Yes, he favors those tar
balls. Looks closer to wet dirt—Dirt without a soul—than anything else that could properly describe
him (like sludge).
is no scary looking, red, horned devil scurrying about. Truly, he was “without form, and void” with
two very fearful reflectors for eyes that actually moved “to and fro.” Those
eyes appeared to be reflecting its light-source from the light within the
room. It did not come from him; there
was no light in him.
It is noteworthy, also, that he avoided
with all of his might, looking directly back at her. His beady, bitty eyes darted with a runaway
look. Satan tried to mask his (fear)
urge to flee the situation in the room with stoicism. Try as he may, his response was parallel to
fight or flight parody so typical in humans.
He was just as scary to look at as he was scared. Believe it or not—he
is the one who is so full of fears, torments, and every other ungodly
trait. Although few, these details were
detected and able to be discerned, albeit in a feeble state.
Luke 10:19, 20 describes how we have no
need to fear, “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and
scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means
hurt you….” Although, Satan continues to expend, without hesitation, infinite
time and effort to smear us with his devilish causes, it is regardless to the
fact that his own loss is eminent.
In any case, this is who spent the day at
the office with her. This is where the
final assault happened. Satan came prepared
to arbitrate a deal for her very soul.
His speech. Constant, persistent,
quick, and nimble.