Saturday, November 8, 2014

Adolescent Years

Adolescence was a particularly vulnerable period in this young lady’s life, as in any young person’s life.  An unassuming teenager would be an accurate description.  Not particularly pretty, not popular, not poised.  Going to school, attending church with usual passivity.  The majority of waking hours engaged activities requiring the participation of only one person—herself.
 Extremely shy.  Reads a lot.  Fascinated with ancient history.  Keeps a mandatory journal with her at all times.  A self-taught seamstress, learning to sew clothes tailored to fit her 18 inch waist.  As well, she gifted needlepoint, paint-by-number oil paintings, and stitched together handmade crafts during holidays, whenever supplies could be afforded.


When in season, the veggies in the backyard swelled, yielding a sweet reward.  Regularly tended to, with her great-grandmother as overseer, were homegrown collard greens, red tomatoes, hot and spicy peppers, onion, and corn, each in his assigned row (no need to go to market as often as before).  There was a ‘scarecrow’ strategically placed on duty that actually attracted the very crows it was summoned to scare away.  A ready perch from which birds taunted the idle stick-man. 
In another part of the yard, a lovely flower garden blossomed, yielding a fragrant beauty. It was hedged around the side of the house facing a frontage road.   Bumblebees got fat feasting here in this part of the garden.  Butterflies and ladybugs were regular visitors here.  Honeysuckles, mums, morning glories, tulips, roses; and small, delicate white, blue, purple, yellow, orange, pink ones grew wild.  Rainbow colors. Some budded every year; others had to be replanted.  One kind only bloomed in the evening, and would close its petals during the daytime.  Wonderfully weird.
Bees, ladybugs, butterflies were plenteous. Trees, shapely bushes, plants galore. From front porch chatter, car mufflers, and kids’ laughter to cats chasing squirrels, chirping birds, and barking dogs. There was God in the midst.  Her best Friend in life, the still, small voice of God.  He remained an abiding comrade during this time as in former years.  This was a perfect meeting place in which to tune in.  Something very real and audible, outside of the physical scope of her world, provided internal comforts. This spiritual link fielded a peculiar, extraterrestrial sense, admittedly.   Even so, she welcomed it. 
In the external arena of her life there was often an overriding feeling of being upstaged (up on a stage alone).   Alone on this oceanic globe.  Perhaps too different, too strange.  Estranged.    And being amongst family, schoolmates, and others did nothing to sway these feelings.  Yet God saw fit to meet with the little garden-tender.  Nestled in the evenings there, alone. Faithful to watering, stealthily waiting for that sheepish flower to bloom.  Truly, He was the perfect Comforter.
And for some reason, local noise did not distract from this ever recognizable Voice.  Throughout the noise and within the quiet, a lot of thinking took place.  Looked as if she is staring most times, but was actually thinking things through.  She spent meditative amounts of time amid many, many questions just pelting.
Reaching puberty prompted so many of these seeking questions in heart that came and went.   Heartfelt pangs steady as rainfall would not go away.  There was a ‘Why?’ in the atmosphere for every day of the week.  Questions, sprayed with doubts, seemed to be on her mind most of the time.  Questions like,

“Why don’t I have any friends?” 
“Why am I here?” 
“Why was I placed here with this family to live?” 
“Why do I feel so down all of the time?” 

This was her norm.  And day after day, as she grew into adolescence, she wished very vividly about the day of rescue from this norm.  Naturally, immature and unable to appreciate any depth or value of having spiritual incite at that time.  It seemed to clash with society.  Being spiritually aware was ‘square.’ 
To make matters worse, she had nothing much in common with any other adolescents her age.  Straining to find something, she would often observe their apparent normalcy with an intense yearning.  Boyfriends, dating, and always chatting about the next big house party!  This was so back in the day when house parties and black lights was the place to be if you wanted to pick up any popular points with peers, or what is called street cred. 
Can’t forget about one main reason for the parties!  Sex.  Everybody was doing ‘it.’  Even the so called ‘slow kids’ on the block were ‘hooking up.’  But not she; she was a mere spectator.  Envious of them?  Not altogether. Covet a more normal life in line with her peers?  Certainly.  It seemed normal to want to be normal.  Especially, beginning to identify with the many variables of self, of choices, as an evolving adolescent. 
This quite often left a feeling of inferiority to other females as though somehow she was less than.  As if something was missing in her very make-up as a developing woman.  Often comparing herself with others, she could see that she was not the full bosomed, voluptuous type.  She scaled other young women to hold a more natural sexual prowess that, for some reason, did not come natural to her.  She remembers being the flat-chested, wall with no sense of womanhood, no matter with whom she compared herself.  Entering womanhood and the like was an eerie, inconspicuous nuance that did not allow for hampering questions, or delays. 

      ~Where was the instinct?~

Body image issues, low self-esteem, and an undetected eating disorder lay in tow.  Unaware that these symptomatic red flags even had terminology way back when.  These existential matters would prove to be key, foundational contributors toward shaping her psyche and its impending confusion, going forward. 
Flowery imagery, as seen through these gullible eyes, reveals quite the innocent intent of a heart untainted by Satan. Until.  Until that innocence is proven guilty, and that which is untainted becomes foul.  This becomes obvious later.
A strange thing happened one glorious summer day. It was a clear day with blue sky, fluffy white clouds, and pure sunshine.  You could say it was early morning.  You could even say it was in the middle of the day, or high noon, when the sun radiates its brightest burn of the day.  A day vision:  There she was minding her own business, standing on the bottom stair of her great-grandmother’s porch.  She stands there admiring her great-grandmother’s horticultural workmanship, which happens to be a large-potted Elephant Ear plant.   It was enormously grand with lustrous, deep-green leaves, each leaf fully extent to expose itself toward the sun’s rays.  Passersby took the time to compliment her great-grandmother for having such a green thumb almost on a daily basis.