Sunday, November 2, 2014


 No longer behaving contentiously with God about seeking her own desires was such a relief for her.  It was nowhere near over yet.  But the battle was the Lord’s now.  Had always been. 
Excitement is in the air at the thought of reconciliation back with the eternal Father.  She is more than ready now, and willing, to be under His “yoke.”  His “burden is light” in comparison to the exhausting, prodigal events that sought to consume her life thus far.  Just like the Bible profoundly describes it in Psalm 131: 2, “Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.”  To be weaned, taken away from the thing that sought to corrupt her entire soul, is beyond comforting.
All is quiet now, back in her apartment.  The thoughts which are orbiting her mind right now make more sense.  Tis true.  It is wonderful to once again be able to think on His goodness.  To be enlightened by the true Light, watching it unfold before her eyes.  Seeing the scales and stones begin to defrost and melt away from her heart.  The hard, fallow ground, at last to be cultivated by the hand of God.  Hope was in her sights, although there would be many more battles to fight in order to realize the outcome of her newfound victory. 

     ~It will take years and years~

Each day, during the early hours, from the time that she awoke until about 3:00 p.m., listening intently, tuned in deep fellowship with her heavenly Father.  Making herself completely available; contentedly sitting before His throne with attentive ears. (Consider this to be a ritual of friendship,  not a sacrilegious exercise of appeasement.)  It was more about being attuned with God, sharing a genuine joy of presence, and not preoccupied or pressed with her own interests. 
Time for reading the Bible again was eagerly reinstated.  Hmm?  Where to start?  First choice.  A hunter green Gideon Bible taken from, where else?  And second choice.  The only other Bible she owned at the time had been gifted to her from the funeral parlor where her estranged mother was eulogized (1990).  It was a gift that she held close, and still possesses to this present day (2014).  Both Bibles would require a light dusting after years of avoidance.  Too many years had gone by.  But regardless, it was a start. 

It was most important that she listen for His voice!  Yet, learning to listen was a challenge. We must attain the ears to do this.  It was such a mild, meek voice that it might easily be missed.    For His voice is His presence, and His presence is like a dove (i.e. easily ruffled).  If she, for instance, watched endless hours of television or talked constant on the phone she might miss when He spoke, if not careful.  So it became of utmost importance not to habitually engage distracting activities such as these.  Instead, the days were heavily meditative.  Had to be.  Distractions are deceptive.  It causes you to miss out:

“Sing to me,” she would sometimes hear His voice speak to her heart.  
 “It’s been a long time since I sang any songs;”
 “I don’t think I know all the words to any,” she would sheepishly reply.  
 “How about a song you used to sing when you were a child?”  He would gently chide.

As she thought about which ones that might be, His Spirit reminded her of such familiar songs. Waves of excitement rushed her as she recalls the easy lyrics and repetition of these lost songs.  They are the most simple and sweetest songs to sing.  She gladly sang as many as she could remember with joy.  Honored to do it!


At the feet of the Master is where this all takes place.  This is the place where He is able to teach her to receive from His bounty.  Hardness of heart loosens its reign, while the evil roots of a familial curse are being quaked and uncovered. She can sense the saturation of His anointing, a healing salve, pouring over her.  This healing balm seeps through all of the stoniness in her heart. An intense surge (transfusion) of spiritual strength made possible via her sitting daily before God and soaking up His grace like a sponge.  A great anecdote from a Great Physician
He washes her feet now and makes her as clean as before.  He lays out a robe for her to wear, discarding the filthy rags that Satan prepared for her to wear.  He anoints with fresh oil, reviving and refreshing the spirit, making her soul feel alive again.  A virtual banquet table is also set, generating an atmospheric gesture.  All around is celebratory.  Excepting, an obviously uninvited pessimist makes his undesirable presence known, but  does nothing that can hinder the Word (Manna) from strengthening her extremely frail state—feasting freely on the Bread of Life in order to quench the draught of the past three and a half years.
And there is no further doubt in her mind about why.  All of the Why me? questions are answered at last:  That demon-imp sent way back when to her great-grandmother’s house was for a reason.  The great scheme devised since the day that a little girl child was conceived was for a reason.  After many, many years, the “gates of hell” had failed to prevail after all.  Miraculously, the effort that Satan put forth to persuade, to cast a shadow of doubt as to the sincerity of God, failed to prosper as well.  Everything good from the garden of Grace had worked together.  All of it for free!  Jesus had gladly paid the price for her folly. 
God had taken the helm of the situation, indeed.  He had never taken his eyes off of this young girl all “growed up.”  Whose core self yet remained that of a child, untainted and resilient.  God still remembered.  He does not forget about us.   The oaths and the vows that we make are recorded in His Book.   At the age of thirteen is not too young to receive from Jesus Christ our Savior.  Those words that she had cited then, with little understanding, God did hear.  And although she was battered and bruised and a near casualty of this spiritual war, this was her time to heal.  To recoup.  To redeem the lost time. 
Jesus availed himself as the Good Samaritan that He is.  The Lord provided a “table in the wilderness” to eat and rest.  Eat and rest to regain her strength.  Learning to lean on the Everlasting Arms. Next time, prepared and able to wield the proper force of weaponry—spiritual weapons.  He knew that she would have to be ready to fight again; fight to keep her victory in Christ.  But in the meantime, God lets her continue to bask in the beauty of His fatherly love.  He readily reveals the glory of His character in this vein.  Our weaknesses give Him opportunity to prove Himself when we come to the end of ourselves.  Brothers and Sisters, God is not preoccupied with our sins as we might think. He is Who He emphatically said He is.  (God is Love.)  He’s saying,

“No, really look!” 
“Behold My glory!” 

“Look at what I can do!”  

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