Sunday, November 2, 2014

Regime Change—The Art of Spiritual Warfare

It is crucial to note what comes with Satan’s intense, direct, step-by-step plan of attack against all of creation.  Every specific tactic implements a usage that is detrimental to our good-will, and which plays a role to help facilitate our defeat.  A big disadvantage for us is in not knowing that we are under this attack.  Let’s face it, we were born into a war.  A spiritual war is going on in the heavens and every newborn on earth is a target, including the baby, Jesus.  Who said all is fair?  All is not fair.

  ~Unfair warfare~

Potential for ruin typically comes directly from the family tree, historically.  Generational curses that are inherited (held within the family) have allowed Satan to maneuver a range of opportunities to pollute entire family lines.  For instance, if a person is divorced, they probably can find a history of it in their family.  If a person is a teen parent, they can discover others in their immediate family have followed this same course.  If a person has participated in homosexual relationships, surely if they screen the family tree they will find an overt link within the family. Whether posing under the ruse or umbrella of adultery, pornography, promiscuous casual sex, or other closeted sexual perversions, it’s all in the family.  
Showcasing this acuteness in familial dynamics, plus one’s own impetus sin nature, adds sin to sin.  Collateral damage of this magnitude is never easy to overcome nor to readily succumb to.

 ~The ‘It’s Just Sex’ generation of yesteryear, exists today~

However, there is much we may take comfort in valuing Jesus Christ’s contribution to the cause of our victory in this war.  Unlike the boy Jesus, who himself “grew in spirit without measure,” we were not afforded this Divine advantage.  He was the One Tree, and only One, whose fruit had life in it.  The Bible stipulates that he had “no guile” in his nature.  It states that Jesus learned well how to subject himself to his parents.  Jesus learned well from the elders in the temple of his day, besides.  He gathered and understood the facts about his enemy, and ours.  He came as the Word (a Spokesman) in the flesh.  The Son of God and the Son of man.  There is no way Jesus could be blindsided by the war as we had been.  He recognized Satan, his devils, and his tactics implicitly.

Now that we know who we are.  War children.  Children of war.  We can expect shots to bombard us nonstop.  With so many fiery darts being fired, we all need (must have) an umbrella of armored protection.  The “shield of faith” is that umbrella.  We must have faith in the words that our Father speaks.  You must feed your spirit even if you have, “No appetite!”  I’m sure you have no appetite for warfare, but the Bible clearly tells us to stand, and fight.  Not stand and get beat-up.  Or beat-down. 
This sound advice is there to help us not to end up as casualties.  You are in a fight for your life and spiritual warfare will be required.  I don’t know how to master it any better than you, believe me.  Holy Spirit is the teacher.  He will be the One who gives us this victory. 
Learn.  Gain biblical knowledge and believe.  This unknown territory is not for cowards (unbelievers).  A spiritual shield does protect you, but you can’t just stand there frozen in fear.

Earlier in this book, the term yoke and burden were referred to [p. 49].  Partly, it means to take up part of the load in a battle. To bear arms.
This feat entails carrying a lot of weight in order to fight—armor, shield, and sword.  It may weigh on you, but you know you cannot fight successfully without them. 
Once one understands who the enemy and his allies are, if you have these, all you will need to do is stand your ground, keep the faith, hold the position of your victory.  And be confident in knowing the Truth that sets you free.  This is every man and woman’s responsibility or load to bear.  And it is pretty easy when you think about it.  In theory, anyway.
 Weeping and a sense of mourning for what the destroyer has taken (stolen) would be a very appropriate response. We definitely need the Helper to help us.  One day at a time will do, okay?  Now is that time. In Ecclesiastes 3:1-9 you will read about appropriate times to behave a certain way.  It starts by saying, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven…” 
Now is the time for you to rise up and “take it by force.” I am talking about freedom from Satan’s thievery.  It’s time for that old cowering man to die (the one that cried Uncle).  It’s time to do away with the former modus operandi.  It’s time to cast down all of those illegitimate ordinances, hurled at you, when you were already down!
No more crying!   We must learn the Art of Warfare.  Learn to starve the  enemy into submission where he belongs, which is pinned under your foot.  It is fair to fight back!  We have the right to utilize potent Art of War tactics (spiritual warfare). We have been pledged all rights to kill such things that attempt to bind us, without incurring homicidal backlash. By any means necessary.  For we who have Christ as Savior have “pulled off” all of these things.  By faith. 

~What have we pulled off, you ask?~

The mantle of sin, rags.  It is a deed done by faith.  You have to see yourself doing precisely this—pulling off.   This is how our Father in heaven sees us.  Righteous.  Wearing White linen, without any wrinkles, without any spots.  Do you realize how nearly impossible that is?   To keep out wrinkles?  No spots?  Until forever!

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